Friday 3 January 2014

Late Summer sunsets.

I thought that I would open with a couple of shots taken by myself in September of last year.  Not a million miles from where I live, in fact I walk my dog there most days in the Summer months and whenever I can during the long and dark months of Winter. Located about half a mile from the shore and bordering the largest lake in Cornwall, it truly is one of my favorite places on the planet and serves as a real solace.


I love the outdoors and nature in general and really enjoy being in amongst it.  I travel whenever I can, and get into the countryside daily and to the beach at every opportunity.  I often find myself in absolute awe of nature, being fortunate enough to live in a fantastic part of the world enables me to appreciate the natural beauty of the things that surround me on a regular basis. I have a passion for conservation, and feel very strongly about the impact that us humans have upon the environment.

It is my intention to share a great deal in my blogs, I have built up quite a collection of great images of the things which I hold dear over the years, and feel that many should be shared, rather than sitting on a hard drive.  I also love writing, so with these things in mind, I decided to share my thoughts, musings, stories, accounts and general view of the things I like.

I hope this provides some background in terms of the motivation and thoughts behind my blog(s).  I also hope you enjoy what I post as much as I do, I would certainly welcome any feedback.